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How to Create Spot UV & Hotstamp Business Card in Canva

How to Create Spot UV & Hotstamp Business Card in Canva

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If you’re preparing to order Spot UV or Hotstamp Namecards, setting up your design files correctly is essential for achieving that polished, professional finish. Traditionally, software like Photoshop or Illustrator is used for this purpose, but did you know you can also achieve similar results using Canva? This guide will walk you through the steps to set up your files for Spot UV or Hotstamp prints using Canva.

If you prefer us to handle the setup, feel free to email us at

Step 1: Setting Up Your Canva Document

  1. Convert to CMYK:
    • Canva primarily works in RGB, but for printing purposes, converting your colors to CMYK is ideal. While Canva doesn’t have a direct CMYK mode, you can manually match colors as close as possible to CMYK values. If color accuracy is critical, consider converting your design to CMYK after exporting using an external tool, such as Photoshop.
  2. Document Size and Resolution:
    • Set your Canva document size to 90x54mm (9×5.4cm) to match the standard namecard size.
    • Ensure that the resolution of any images used is at least 300dpi for clarity in print.

Step 2: Define Your Spot UV/Hotstamp Areas

In Canva, the process to define the areas for Spot UV or Hotstamping involves creating separate elements or layers that will later be used to produce the desired effects.

  1. Design Your Artwork:
    • Design your namecard as you normally would, ensuring that all elements are placed correctly.
    • Once your main design is complete, duplicate the page. This duplicate will be used to create the separation file for Spot UV or Hotstamping.
  2. Create the Separation File:
    • On the duplicate page, remove all elements that won’t be treated with Spot UV or Hotstamp.
    • Convert the areas that require Spot UV or Hotstamping to solid black (#000000).
    • Ensure no other colors are present—only pure black (CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100) should be used for these elements.
    • If your logo and some text need a Spot UV treatment, delete everything else from the duplicate page and change those specific elements to solid black.

Step 3: Export Your Files

  1. Export the Main Design:
    • Export your original design (without the Spot UV or Hotstamp layers) as a high-resolution PDF.
    • Name this file appropriately, e.g., Set1_Front.pdf.
  2. Export the Separation Files:
    • Export the black-and-white separation file you created in Step 2 as a separate PDF.
    • Name the file according to the treatment it’s intended for:
      • For Spot UV: Set1_Front_UV.pdf
      • For Hotstamp (Gold): Set1_Front_HOTSTAMP_GOLD.pdf
      • For Hotstamp (Silver): Set1_Front_HOTSTAMP_SILVER.pdf
    Note: If you’re creating files for both Spot UV and Hotstamping, you’ll have separate files for each treatment.

Step 4: Final Checks and Submission

Before submitting your files, double-check the alignment between the original artwork and the separation files. This ensures that the Spot UV or Hotstamp elements will align perfectly during the printing process.

Once everything looks good, email your files to, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Example File Setup:

For a name card with Spot UV on the front and back, your files might look like this:

  • Set1_Front.pdf
  • Set1_Front_UV.pdf
  • Set1_Back.pdf
  • Set1_Back_UV.pdf

Step 5: Order Now!

With your files ready, you’re just a step away from having your custom Spot UV or Hotstamp namecards. Email your files to, and we’ll help bring your design to life with that extra touch of luxury.

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